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New York skyline with and without WTC

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WTC pages

The main WTC page
The smoke of September
The ruins of World Trade Center
Manhattan skyline from Hudson River
Manhattan skyline from East River and Brooklyn
The City
The happier days
The happier days 2
Downtown map


The World Trade Center is Destroyed

The towers of the World Trade Center behind the World Financial Center in May 2001. The view from the Hudson river.

New York skyline with and without WTC

New York downtown skyline looses World Trade Center. The view on the orphaned buildings of the World Financial Center from the Hudson River.






The World Trade Center

Another view from the happier times.

New York skyline with and without WTC

The skyline on 21 September 2001, World Trade Center destroyed.







The World Trade Center is Destroyed

The view on the twin towers of World Trade Center from the New York Harbor on 26 August 2001.

New York skyline with and without WTC

On 21 September there is still smoke coming up from the ruins of the World Trade Center.




The World Trade Center

The view on the island of Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry on 26 August 2001.

New York skyline with and without WTC

The view on the island of Manhattan from the Circle Line boat on 21 September 2001.



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