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Andre Balazs, the hotelier who transformed the Chateau Marmont, a seedy hangout on the Sunset Strip, into a celebrity haunt, and a SoHo factory into the Mercer, is planning to build a hotel on a much-fought-over lot in the meatpacking district.
Mr. Balazs said the hotel will be part of his Standard chain, with rooms starting for less than $100. The property is bordered by West Street, West 13th Street, Washington Street and Little West 12th Street.
Pictures of Standard Hotel

The site of Andre Balazs’ Standard Hotel. 1 May 2005.
The site of Andre Balazs’ Standard Hotel in the meatpacking district. 9 April 2004.
The site of Andre Balazs’ Standard Hotel in the meatpacking district, with Gansevoort Hotel in the background. 5 February 2005.