The anniversary ceremonies maintained the same focus of remembrance as in years past. Ground zero became an island of emotion separate from the rest of the world. Listening to the hypnotic rhythm of first, middle, and last names read from podiums near the pit, it seemed at times impossible that four years had passed, as voice after voice cracked with emotion.
For the first time, siblings of the victims read the names, a new face of pain; parents and children have read in past years. They threaded personal remarks among the names: “I miss talking with you. I miss laughing with you.” “Shake it easy, Sal.” “We miss you, bro. Be safe.” “Help Katrina hurricane victims also.”
Many of the family members wore T-shirts, buttons or signs with their relative’s picture on it. A few American flags sprinkled throughout the crowd, but most family members just wore the gold and white ribbons city officials gave them at check in.
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Pictures of Ground Zero on 11 September 2005
Reading the names of siblings.